Friday, December 30, 2005

Anatomy Of A Hack - Step-By-Step Pen Test of a Windows Network

In this article Windows security gurus, Jesper Johansson and Steve Riley, examine in rather excruciating detail how a network may get hacked. A smaller and less detailed version was originally published in TechNet Magazine to rave reviews. Now a full chapter for their new book, it is yours for FREE. Enjoy and learn.

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Thursday, December 29, 2005

5 Best Freeware Games of 2005

Lists the five best freeware games of the year that include a battlefield 2 like shooter, zak mckracken 2 the successor of zak mckracken and other great games.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

How to rip a DVD: A Tutorial

All of us have a cool movie we download from torrents, and we try to rip that DVD into our CDS. This small tutorial shows you just how to do this without messing up.

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43 Windows XP Fixes from

Including Faster Icons, Restart Button On Desktop, Remove Messenger, and Get Rid of the Delete Confirmation.

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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Essential Free Wireless Hacking Tools

Anyone interested in wireless security and exploiting vulnerabilities will need a good set of base tools with which to work. Fortunately, there are an abundance of free tools available on the Internet. Brought to you by Dan Hoffman, CISSP, CWNA and regular columnist for the new online magazine, The Ethical Hacker Network.

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Wireless Hacking At 30,000 Feet

To a typical traveler, the biggest security threat is thought to be somebody reading data off their computer screen. What they don't realize is that a savvy wireless hacker can exploit their systems without their knowledge... from several rows away. Article by Dan Hoffman, of 'Essential Free Wireless Hacking Tools' fame (1855 diggs and counting!).

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Make Windows XP run like new again.

Are you tired of waiting countless hours for Windows to start up?? Is your start menu cluttered with useless programs?? Well this is a series of tutorials that help make Windows XP like the day you bought it.

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Install your web server with a single install!

XAMPP will install Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl for Linux, Win32, OSX and Solaris and all you have to do is run the XAMPP install. This works great for Solaris and Win32 from my experience!

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Monday, December 19, 2005

More Ways to Speed up WindowsXP

Some of these actually seem to work!

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Email Address Spoofing

I have written a guide to SMTP and email address spoofing, after spending several weeks researching a confusing situation with an email server I maintain. It describes the fundamentals of SMTP and how to spoof email addresses. I have also provided a script which you can use to send a simple spoofed email.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Essential Free Wireless Hacking Tools

Anyone interested in wireless security and exploiting vulnerabilities will need a good set of base tools with which to work. Fortunately, there are an abundance of free tools available on the Internet. Brought to you by Dan Hoffman, CISSP, CWNA and regular columnist for the new online magazine, The Ethical Hacker Network.

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Decent Firefox Tweak Guide

This isn't just another 'speed-up' Firefox tutorial. This covers the tweaking of many aspects of the greatest browser in the world.

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Monday, December 12, 2005

Awesome Password Utilities

I ran some of these password recovery tools and was in awe as to how many were there to see ! Wide range of password recovery tools and there all good.

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sober Worm Algorithm Cracked

"The algorithm used by the Sober worm to 'communicate' with its author has been cracked. According to F-Secure, it can now calculate the exact URLs the worm would check on a particular day.

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Friday, December 09, 2005

Battlefield 2 For FREE

Well, a darn good ripoff anyway. The Koreans Strike Back, with an absolutely FREE FPS with driveable vehicles, modern weaponry, and a built-in ranking system. The graphics are beautiful, and the gameplay is fast and chaotic, so grab the installer and lets blow each other away!

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Fastest Windows Password Cracker - Ophcrack 2.1

A Windows password cracker based on the faster time-memory trade-off using rainbow tables. Ophrack 2.1 comes with a GTK+ and runs on Windows as well as on a Linux bootable cd.

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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Is Freenet the next BitTorrent?

Freenet sounds like the ultimate peer-to-peer system:

"Freenet is free software which lets you publish and obtain information on the Internet without fear of censorship. To achieve this freedom, the network is entirely decentralized and publishers and consumers of information are anonymous."

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Friday, December 02, 2005

Free Christmas Gift Tags

The dudes over at T-Shirt Hell are offering printable gift tags for your Christmas gifts. Some are based on their T-Shirts and gift wrap. Hilarious!

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